Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Our Bags are Packed!

It seems like this trip has been so long in the making.  I can't believe that the time has finally arrived.  By the weekend we will be in Rome!  That is simply amazing!  I can't help but think back to when this all started....

In the fall of 2007 I decided to write the Lilly Teacher Creativity Fellowship Grant.  In November I gave my proposal a kiss for good luck and mailed it in.  I sat back and waited, hoping that this would be my year.  In the meantime the universe decided that I would spend my summer another way...pregnant.  :O)  Kurt and I were beyond thrilled, but when the "big" envelope arrived in my mailbox saying I had received the grant we knew that some modifications would need to be made.  Luckily, the Lilly Endowment was totally understanding and said that it was fine to do the grant experience the following summer.  So here we are... Summer 2009.   Almost two years have passed since I dreamed up this grant and in that time I have gained a son, and soon an amazing European adventure.


  1. I can't wait to read all about your adventure! Have a wonderful time and enjoy every moment! Take care,

  2. OK Sawyer...the purpose of a blog is to let your friends and family keep up with your adventures. So what have you and Kurt done so far in the 2+ days you've been in Rome?? Apparently nothing. Nada. Zip. :)

  3. Larry,
    Busted. We're actually in Vegas. Those are really photos of the Venitian casino.

