Thursday, June 25, 2009

Glass Stress Art Exhibit

Welcome to Venice! This city is so beautiful and romantic, yet Kurt and I are the "armageddon tourists" that are fixated on the idea that it is sinking. We are so stupid. :O) Seriously, the buildings and architecture are breathtaking. Beyond my wildest dreams! Last night we had dinner on the Grand Canal and then took the vaparetto all around the island. Truly, amazing.

Yesterday we went to St. Mark's Square and found the prestigious Pauly & Co. and Venizian glass shops. The price tags on the items inside we outrageous. I was nervous just looking at the glass. I took lots of pictures and the people were pretty accommodating to the tourists who couldn't buy these pieces with a decade's worth of teacher's salary. There was one shop that made me laugh as you had to be buzzed inside, they allowed no pictures even from outside their store and they actually had a sign that said "Please don't can always ask to stare." HA!

Today we walked the streets and it wasn't hard to get lost. This city was designed by a maniac. We wandered and wandered and spent tons of time looking in the shops at all of the beautiful art glass. Eventually we arrived at the InstitutoVeneto diScienzelLettere edArt (my translation would call this the Venice Institute for Science and Art?) We bought tickets to the GlassStress exhibit. Inside was a fantastic collection of contemporary glass art from all around the world. Wild pieces that were totally crazy and completely genius. The talent of the artisans was astounding. Some of my personal favorites were the table covered in glass organs and a floor to ceiling collection of glass bubbles that looked so thin that if you'd blow on them they'd POP! The exhibit was the highlight of our day and perfect example of how glass has transformed into a modern art (even in this ancient town.)


  1. Kurt and Sawyer,

    I am so glad that you are having a wonderful time! You're pictures are amazing and I can't wait to hear all about your trip when you get back even though I am checking in on you regularly. Heather and Adam's wedding was beautiful and we have been having a great time in MI. Talk to you both soon,

    love, Holly Brian and clay

  2. Dear Clayton,
    I love that your mom and dad are letting you post to our blog. Such a smart little boy! If only Mav was allowed on the computer. :O)

    Glad to hear the wedding went well. Can't wait to see pics!

